Testament Jezusa (J 19, 25-27). Nowe trendy interpretacyjne

Józef Kudasiewicz


The author presents the Testament of Jesus in the light of investigations that has been carried out mainly by Roman language exegetes in the last 20 years. The paper consists of four parts: a) The context of the Testament of Jesus. The further context is sign in Cana (Jn 2, 1-11). There is a clear-cut terminological parallelism between Jn 19, 25-27 and Jn 2, 1-11 (e.g. "hour", "woman") and a parallelism in respects of contents (the same figurer Jesus, His Mother, disciples). Since the marriage at Cana bore a messianic sense, the also the Testament of Jesus bears a messianic and not private sense. The immediate context is Jn 19,23-24: the scene with Jesus’ tunic. The that was not torn has an ecclesiological sense: it sheds light on a more profound understaning of the Testament. b) Contemporary investigations proved (De Godet) that Jn 19,25-27 is the so-called "literary scheme of revelation" which occurs four times in John (1,29; 1,36; 1,47; 19,25-27). Thanks to this literary genre the Testament of Jesus bean a revelatory character. From the hights of the cross Jesus reveals a new dimension of Mary’s motherhood and sonshig of the beloved disciple. c) The sense of the Testament. Mary and John standing by the cross bear a character of concrete persons who have their own role in the history of redemption. At the same time however, they have a representative and symbolic sense. Mary is a personification of the Church-Mother; John, on the other hand, represents all disciples of Jesus. d) The execution of the Testament. Contemporary investigations pinpoint particularly three element: "hour", "take" and "to his own home". At the hour of death which was the hour of redemption, to the spiritual goods that had already been given to His disciples (faith, grace, God’s word, God’s Spirit) Jesus added yet His Mother as a type and symbol of the Church. The disciple took her into his interior, i.e. his spiritual life, the life of faith.

Słowa kluczowe:

Testament Jezusa, kontekst, gatunek literacki, J 19, 25-27

Instytucje wspierające:



Kudasiewicz, J. (2017). Testament Jezusa (J 19, 25-27). Nowe trendy interpretacyjne. The Biblical Annals, 37(1), 49–61. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/ba/article/view/2879

Józef Kudasiewicz  biblical.annals@gmail.com


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