Witnesses of the Resurrected Messiah

Luke’s Presentation of the Main Theological Theme of the Acts of the Apostles, with Particular Emphasis on the Narrative of Paul’s Missionary Activity

Janusz Kucicki

Nanzan University, Nagoya, , Japonia


The dominant classification of Acts as the history of the early Christian Church whose main aim is to present the spread of the nascent movement from a less important part of the Roman Empire (Judea) to the very heart of the Empire (Rome), seems to be supported by Ac 1, 8 which is often taken as a kind of very general a table of contents. However, the rather unexpected end of Acts (a short and laconic account regarding Paul’s period in Rome), and Luke’s approach to and use of his sources, allow us to assume that Luke was aiming rather at a great story involving some main hearos and many other participants than are involved in just one thematic story. Following this assumption, based on the content of Acts, it is possible to individuate two main heroes (Peter and Paul) whose fate is somehow connected with many other persons that are also involved in giving witness to Jesus the Resurrected Messiah. In this study we look at Acts as the story concerning the two the most important witnesses, Peter and Paul, in order to determine their contribution to establishing the structural and doctrinal foundation of the New Israel.      

Słowa kluczowe:

witness; Resurrected Messiah; Peter; Paul; Gentiles; Jews

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Kucicki, J. (2019). Witnesses of the Resurrected Messiah. The Biblical Annals, 9(4), 671–696. https://doi.org/10.31743/biban.3701

Janusz Kucicki  januszkucicki@gmail.com
Nanzan University, Nagoya, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1225-4000


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