The Resurrection Sets the Agenda

Eschatology for a Post-Modern World

Jaap Doedens


In this article, firstly I discuss why it is important to have an exegetically sound biblical view on the resurrection for the attractiveness of the church. To attain this, theology – in both the Catholic and the Protestant tradition – should change its approach of eschatology as focusing on “going to heaven when you die” to a view of “participating in a new creation”. Secondly, I will give some examples of how the biblical message about the resurrection thus understood can make the mission of the church strong enough to have its own relevant and attractive alternative narrative in a world of competing narratives.

Słowa kluczowe:

resurrection, resurrection narratives, empty tomb, eschatology, spiritualized eschatology, Parousia, perception, Artificial Intelligence, Dead Sea Scrolls, church fathers, mission, political correctness

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Doedens, J. (2019). The Resurrection Sets the Agenda. The Biblical Annals, 9(4), 697–710.

Jaap Doedens


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