Dwie drogi prowadzące do odnalezienia mądrości według Syracha. Analiza egzegetyczno-teologiczna Syr 51,13-30

Andrzej Piwowar

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Wydział Teologii. Instytut Nauk Biblijnych. , Polska


The article constitutes an analysis of the final pericope of the Book of the Wisdom of Sirach (Sir 51:13-30) in its Greek version. The text can be divided into two parts: in the first one (vv. 13-22) the author relates his personal experience of seeking and finding wisdom, while in the second part (vv. 23-30) he admonishes those who lack education to join his school and partake of the wisdom he himself has found. The wisdom the sage refers to is of a religious character (he asked for it in prayer – vv. 13b, 14a, 19c; it manifests itself in good deeds – v. 19b). Not only does the author make it clear in the first part of the pericope that the vital requirement for finding wisdom is to start early in life (vv. 13a, 15d), but he also explains the ways in which wisdom may be found (a human being should subordinate all spheres of life to finding it – vv. 13b, 14b, 15b, 19a, 21a). The pericope lists the means necessary to find wisdom (namely, purification – v. 20b, following the path of righteousness – v. 15c, striving for goodness – v. 18a, turning to wisdom – v. 20a, complying with the Law – v. 19b, listening – v. 16a, and repentance for the mistakes made – v. 19d) as well as mentions the gifts wisdom grants those who find it (joy – v. 15b, formation – v. 16b, heart, that is intellectual capabilities – v. 20c, language thanks to which one can praise God and share wisdom with others – v. 22a; all of these gifts are called a good possession – v. 21b). The sage emphasizes the fact that finding wisdom is not particularly difficult and does not require a tremendous effort (v. 16a), but searching for wisdom should be a constant part of life for those who wish to have it (they should never stop searching for it – v. 14b). In part two (vv. 23-30), which is of a didactic character, the sage encourages the uneducated to join his school so that he can share wisdom with them. The author admonishes those who – like him – desire wisdom to take advantage of his experience and undergo formation in his school. Sirach presents two ways leading to wisdom. The first one requires personal involvement in searching for it, whilst the second one entails taking possession of wisdom from someone who has already found it. In Sir 51:13-30 the author expresses great optimism concerning the possibility of finding and possessing wisdom. His position is at odds with the pessimism of the Book of Job and the Book of Ecclesiastes in this respect. The pericope under analysis here serves as a summary of the opinions expressed by the sage earlier in his book (cf. especially 6:18-37; 14:20 – 15:10; 24, 33:18-19). Together with Sir 1:1-10 it the frames the whole book and constitutes the recapitulation of the most significant theological aspects of Sirach’s text as well as a synthesis of his theology.

Słowa kluczowe:

Księga Mądrości Syracha, mądrość, szukanie mądrości, Syr 51, 13-30

Instytucje wspierające:



Piwowar, A. (2015). Dwie drogi prowadzące do odnalezienia mądrości według Syracha. Analiza egzegetyczno-teologiczna Syr 51,13-30. The Biblical Annals, 4(1), 57–96. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/ba/article/view/501

Andrzej Piwowar  krzysztof.mielcarek@kul.pl
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Wydział Teologii. Instytut Nauk Biblijnych.

Dzieło Łukaszowe,

Historyczność Jezusa i Ewangelii.



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