On Epistemically Ambiguous Narration: Unreliability in Mind-Game Films


The concept of an unreliable narrator used in literary studies inspires the presentation of the contemporary status of mind-game films. The paper comprises a typology of narrative unreliability in feature films and indicates its basic strategies and communicative functions related, for instance, to the disclosure of unreliability in the final plot twist. The author points to the proliferation of narrative unreliability in contemporary cinema and observes a tendency to make use of dispersed unreliability, which, on the one hand, may go unnoticed, and, on the other hand, introduces epistemological uncertainty in the reception of a film.


narrator unreliable, mind-game films, puzzle films, irony, denarration, dispersed unreliability



OSTASZEWSKI, J. (2021). O narracji epistemicznie niejednoznacznej. Niewiarygodność w kinie gier umysłowych. Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL, 34(2 (134). Retrieved from https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/ethos/article/view/13429


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