Culture, Philosophy, and the Human Being: An Essay on Classical Philosophy as an Inspiration for an Honest Life


137 bld Stalingrad apt.100, 94400 Vitry-sur-Seine, France , France


Philosophy is part of human culture, which means that the scope of culture is broader than that of philosophy. Yet both philosophy and culture are products of human activity and in history both of them have left their mark on other human products, whether material or spiritual. Like any other human product, culture, and philosophy as its part, may be either good or evil: it may either be constructive and express love as well as the greatness and dignity of the human being, or it may destroy the good and point to human petty-mindedness, weakness or perversity. One may certainly ask whether human activity which is evil or destructive may still be called ‘culture.’ However, in order to comprehend what culture is and what philosophy is one needs to establish first of all who the subject that creates, pursues and is affected by them is. Thus one needs to comprehend the essence of the human being, who receives culture and philosophy as a humanistic heritage and in turn develops, shapes and spreads them. As I argue, without the concept of the human being as person (an intellectual and volitional being that is unique in her essence) all the theories and ideologies will remain vain, wishful thinking based divagations.

Translated by Dorota Chabrajska


philosophy, classical philosophy, human being, person, subject, culture, paideia, Thomas Aquinas, God, value, dialogue


PROKOP, M. P. (2020). Kultura – filozofia – człowiek. Esej o filozofii klasycznej jako inspiracji życia godziwego. Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL, 28(4 (112).

Marek P. PROKOP 
137 bld Stalingrad apt.100, 94400 Vitry-sur-Seine, France