Phenomenology of Fear

Ks. Kazimierz M. WOLSZA

Katedra Filozofii Systematycznej i Historii Filozofii, Uniwersytet Opolski, ul. Drzymały 1a, 45-342 Opole, Poland , Poland


The article presents a description of the phenomenon of fear, in particular of its three aspects, namely, its sources, structure and consequences. The sources of fear may be either real or imaginary. They are part of the category of future which Martin Heidegger termed as malum futurum. The constitutive elements of the structure of fear are anxiety, cognitive distortions, helplessness, and irrationality. Among the negative consequences of fear, one may point to aggression, addictions, and the attitude of being ‘closed’ to others and the world.

In the concluding part of the article the issue of the possibility to overcome fear is scrutinized. In his Concept of Anxiety Søren Kierkegaard writes that he who has learnt how to experience fear in the proper way has learnt the most important thing in life. Fear may be tamed or overcome by hope, love, and faith.

Translated by Dorota Chabrajska


fear, anxiety, phenomenology, hope, love, faith, Martin Heidegger, Søren Kierkegaard


WOLSZA, K. K. M. (2020). Fenomenologia lęku. Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL, 27(4 (108).

Ks. Kazimierz M. WOLSZA 
Katedra Filozofii Systematycznej i Historii Filozofii, Uniwersytet Opolski, ul. Drzymały 1a, 45-342 Opole, Poland