Philosophy: The Foundation of Research on Pover− ty and the Strategies to Overcome It


Chair of the Methodology of Sciences, Institute of Theoretical Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Al. Racła− wickie 14, 20−950 Lublin, Poland , Poland


The paper first analyzes various methodological aspects of the concept of poverty. It shows that this concept is multi−dimensional, syndromic, value−laden and theory−laden. In consequence, any attempt to measure poverty empirically or to construct any strategy to overcome it requires accepting a definition and some indices of poverty (concerning cither an individual, a group or a country). Such a choice should be justified if the empirical results and their follow−up social programs are not to be settled by political agreement of groups in power. It is then argued that a justification of the choice of this definition must be provided by a philosophy and only by such a philosophy which allows us to show why poverty should be seen as evil, why poverty should be fought and why the «should» has a moral character. Classical philosophy of the Aristotelian−Tho− mistic tradition is indicated as the one which fulfills the specified conditions.


definitions of poverty, indices of poverty, theory−ladenness of empirical concepts, value−ladenness of descriptive concepts, nature of human being, poverty as evil, classical philosophy


LEKKA-KOWALIK, A. (2020). Filozofia jako fundament badań naukowych nad ubóstwem i strategii jego zwalczania. Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL, 24(4 (96). Retrieved from

Chair of the Methodology of Sciences, Institute of Theoretical Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Al. Racła− wickie 14, 20−950 Lublin, Poland