The Mystery of the Person


Katedra Podstaw Pedagogiki Ogólnej, Department of Pedagogical Sci− ence, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, ul. Wóycickiego 1/3, 01−938 Warsaw, Poland , Poland


The most important issues which determine the significance of the ethical output of Tadeusz Styczeń, SDS, are related to his discovering and exposing the truth about the human person. This truth has its metaphysical and experiential aspects. The specificity of the person enables, and indeed prompts, a special insight into his ontological structure: one made «from within,» by way self−knowledge. While one must not fail to remember that this method of investigation bears the danger of subjectivism, one must step on this way, since there is no better way to know the person. This method is a dictate of philosophical realism. The person is revealed in a particular way in ethics, and that is why an ethicist bears a particular duty, namely, he must be a witness to values to others. The person cannot be fully known, being a mystery which one can approach best if one adopts «the logic of love.» Styczeń holds that an ethicist pursuing the truth about the human person, must not evade pointing to the One who showed it best what it means to be Person, since this Person is the Absolute of Love.


Translated by Dorota Chabrajska


ethics, person, self−knowledge, witness, mystery, love


STARNAWSKI, W. (2020). Tajemnica osoby. Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL, 24(3 (95). Retrieved from

Katedra Podstaw Pedagogiki Ogólnej, Department of Pedagogical Sci− ence, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, ul. Wóycickiego 1/3, 01−938 Warsaw, Poland