Figures with the test of silence: case of the “litote” and the “ellipse” in the works of Georges Perec

Monia Ben Jalloul

Université Clermont Auvergne , France


In this article, we will analyze the figures of silence such as the “litote” and the syntactic ellipse in the works of Georges Perec in order to understand how they interact with the reader. Indeed, the unspoken create an invisible dialogue with the reader who must reconstruct a meaning from the void: the “litote” and the syntactic ellipse become the support of a writing that refuses to express itself in words. The writing of Georges Perec can only be read in a deviation of language which makes reluctance a unifying principle


enonciation, figures of silence, litote, syntactic ellipse, pragmatique, reluctance, linguistics

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Ben Jalloul, M. “Les Figures à l’épreuve Du Silence : Cas De l’ellipse Et De La Litote Dans l’œuvre De Georges Perec”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 7, Dec. 2017, pp. 171-8, doi:10.31743/ql.170.

Monia Ben Jalloul
Université Clermont Auvergne


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