About the Journal

Existing since 2004, the scientific journal "TEKA of the Commission of Polish-Ukrainian Cultural Ties" is the only periodical of this type in Europe. Its primary goal is to create a platform for scientific discourse on the influence of neighboring cultures, Polish and Ukrainian, in the field of literature, language, history and broadly understood culture. The magazine has played and still plays an important role in shaping the friendly atmosphere between the neighboring countries at the level of science and culture, which is of great importance for both nations, because the current trends or political tensions do not affect the development of good relations through "TEKA...".




Purpose and thematic scope


The aim of the journal is to provide the humanistic scientific community with the results of current research on the issues of the Polish-Ukrainian cultural borderland in the field of literature studies, linguistics, including glottodidactics, historical and art sciences. For scientists interested in conducting research in the specified field, the journal enables the publication of current results of their work. The editors of "TEKA..." create an environment for the exchange of ideas not only between researchers from Poland and Ukraine, but also between all interested – authors and readers – dealing with the issues of the Polish-Ukrainian cultural borderland. It contributes to the internationalisation of the humanities in their specific section, important due to crossing state, ethnic, cultural and language borders, as well as finding common axiological foundations in geographically close but otherwise different cultures.