From the hominization to the humanization of the world

Mariusz Konieczny

Parafia Rzymsko-Katolicka w Tyśmienicy , Poland


Humans are different from other species not so much because of the things they do, but because we can more or less do what we want. The special position of people, therefore, is due to their spiritual reality, expressed in the culture they have created. This reality is a factor that goes beyond the innate (genetic) characteristics, it is something acquired, something that rises above the already accomplished fact of hominization and is a gradual humanization. Both cultural and biological evolution has received a direction of development and transformation from natural selection, which assumes specific mechanisms, understood as preparatory processes in development. The hominization that has taken place over the last thousands of years therefore has its origin in the particular ability of Homo sapiens to transmit non-genetic components of culture. The cultural message has contributed to the fact that humans have been able to control the factors of the environment and its changes with their own abilities. It is a manifestation of creating a new evolution, which resulted in the creation of a being capable of shaping nature and subordinating it to its own needs. For this reason it seems that both the beginning and the end of humanization become incomprehensible if we treat biological and cultural evolution as separate and independent processes. Biological and cultural evolution are two interconnected aspects of a single phenomenon, which interact with each other, i.e. hominization in relation to humans and, consequently, in relation to the natural world a specific way of transforming it, that is humanization.


nature, humans, cultural evolution, humanization

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Mariusz Konieczny 
Parafia Rzymsko-Katolicka w Tyśmienicy

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