Autonomy or Co-occurrence?

Religiousness and Moral Types of Youth from Tarnowska Diocese

Grzegorz Adamczyk

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski , Poland

Marcin Jarek

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski , Poland


The problematic of the autonomy of morality and religiosity in the area of dignified, prosocial, reciprocal, and egoistic morality is presented in the article. The authors of the paper attempt to answer the question, to what extent the different types of morality differentiate religiosity and to what extent demographic (gender) and environmental variables (education of parents and self-assessment of relations with parents) co-occur with different levels or religiosity. Four hypothesis are a starting point for the presented analysis. The hypothesis assume that the types of dignified and reciprocal morality support religiosity, reversedly than in case of the types of prosocial and egoistic morality.
At the same time, female gender, lower education of parents and good relations with them should be factors supporting the growth of religiosity independently of the represented type of morality. The results confirm the hypothesis only in part. Prosocial morality correlates with religiosity positively, which might indicate that prosociality is still motivated religiously to a quite significant extent. Reciprocal morality correlates with religiosity, but negatively. According to the expectations, egoistic morality is characterised by the same type of correlation. Differently from assumptions, dignified morality does not correlate with religiosity neither positively nor negatively. According to the expectations, female gender and good relations with parents support religiosity independently of the represented type of morality. Parents’ education does not play any significant role in this area. The presented analysis bases on the data obtained in 2017 on the statistically representative sample of 859 students of forms II-IV coming from 24 secondary schools located within the Tarnowska Diocese.


types of morality, religiosity, youth

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Grzegorz Adamczyk 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Marcin Jarek 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski