The Truth in the Gospels. The Significance of the Details of the Narration for the Historical and Literary Studies

Artur Malina


The most recent document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, entitled The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture, cautions against an oversimplified equivalence between every single narrative element of the Gospel text and the details of the events in the life and the ministry of Jesus. The present study examines some of these elements in the framework of the Markan passages, arguing that they should be taken into consideration not only in literary approaches to the Gospels, but in historical ones as well. Otherwise, the historically reconstructed picture of Jesus contrasts with His image in the Gospels.


Truth of Sacred Scripture, Synoptic Gospels, historical Jesus, narrative analysis

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Malina, A. (2017). Prawda w Ewangeliach. Znaczenie szczegółów narracji dla badań historycznych i literackich. The Biblical Annals, 7(3), 347–358. Retrieved from

Artur Malina
Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach


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