The Apocalyptic Character of the Testament of Moses

Marek Parchem

Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw , Poland


The document entitled Testament of Moses takes the form of a farewell speech inspired by the Book of Deuteronomy, addressed by Moses before his death to Joshua. The original document, dating from the time of the Maccabees (mid-2nd century BC), was rewritten and updated at the beginning of the first century AD. It is preserved in only one Latin manuscript from the sixth century. The Latin text is a translation from Greek (ca. 5th century) which in turn is a translation of a text that was probably written in Hebrew. Although the Testament of Moses is dominated by a Deuteronomistic theology of history, its message focuses on determinism of an apocalyptic nature. Hence, the existing apocalyptic elements in the document play an important role, which is particularly highlighted by the eschatological hymn in Chapter 10, which shows many parallels with Dan 12:1–3. The eschatological events are portrayed as the time of the establishment of the kingdom of God and the annihilation of the devil. Before this happens, however, a variety of cataclysms of cosmic proportions and an intervention by God will occur, resulting in the final defeat of the forces of evil and the exaltation of Israel and its inclusion in a community with heavenly beings.


Testament of Moses, apocalyptic literature, eschatology

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Parchem, M. (2024). The Apocalyptic Character of the Testament of Moses. The Biblical Annals, 14(3), 461–480.

Marek Parchem
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw


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