Social and Legal Norms Concerning Strangers and Newcomers in the Hebrew Bible

Piotr Mieszko Briks

Uniwersytet Szczeciński Wydział Humanistyczny , Poland


Fragments of the Bible have recently became an important argument in the discussion about the attitude that should be adopted by Europeans referring their the Judeo-Christian roots with reference to refugees/immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. Considering that the quoted texts are mainly from the Old Testament, it is worth looking more closely at what the Hebrew Bible actually says about the postulated attitude of the Israelites, and especially their rulers to the strangers and newcomers.

Author analyses within a broader biblical context 12 fragments of the Hebrew Bible (Exod 22:20; 23:9.12, Lev 19:33–34, Deut 1:16, 10:18–19; 24:14, Mal 3:5; Isa 1:17; Zech 7:10, Jer 7:6–7; Job 31:32, Psa 146:6) and some examples of hospitality described on Bible’s cards (visit of angels at Abraham and Lot, and Levite's visit at an old man in Gibeah). Author excerpts texts covering status and duties of guests in Israel, duties of Israelites and their rulers in the face of a danger from foreign peoples and examples of dealing with strangers other than wanderers, proselytes or guests (understood as individuals).

In the texts of the Hebrew Bible, there is a clear distinction between single travellers, strangers who seek a better life, respecting Israeli law or customs and submit to them, and those who either threaten Israel or dissuade Israelites from purity of faith.


newcomer, stranger, guest, refugees, ger

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Piotr Mieszko Briks
Uniwersytet Szczeciński Wydział Humanistyczny

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