Between Translating Words and Translating Sense. A Modern Approach to the History of Syriac Translations of the New Testament on Example of John 3:

Piotr Jutkiewicz

Pontificio Istituto Biblico , Italy


Is it necessary to refer literally to all the words in order to translate a text faithfully? The ancient Syriac-speaking church already lived this dilemma. In no ancient language can we have access to a series of translations from different centuries in order to follow the diachronic development of the translation technique so closely. This paper presents for the first time to a Polish reader the process of transformation of the New Testament translations into Syriac from reader-oriented to source-oriented type. Contemporary categories of dynamic and formal equivalence help us to describe the characteristic features of particular translations, in which different assumptions and goals lead to a new reception of the text. The translation technique is analyzed on the example of John 3: in three Syriac translations from different epochs: Vetus Syra, Peshitta, Harklean. A broader supplementary bibliography on the topics discussed is also presented.


Syriac, Translation Technique, John, Old Syriac, Vetus Syra, Peshitta, Harklean

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Jutkiewicz, P. (2020). Między tłumaczeniem słów a tłumaczeniem sensu. Współczesne spojrzenie na historię syryjskich przekładów Nowego Testamentu na przykładzie J 3, The Biblical Annals, 10(3), 457–473.

Piotr Jutkiewicz
Pontificio Istituto Biblico


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