Truth and Veridiction in Luke’s Narrative

Matteo Crimella

Facoltà Teologica dell'Italia Settentrionale (Milano - Italia) , Italy


The article proposes the two itineraries inside the Gospel of Luke. The first one is gnoseologic as it tries to illumine the process of veridiction brought about by the narrative itself, according to the narrative pact established by Luke (cf. Luke  , - ). Here, the reader is called to a continuous interpretative exercise with respect to the person of Christ who is presented first in the Infancy narrative and then in the course of his ministry. The second itinerary belongs to the “reception history” and it’s connected with the search for Jesus (ζητέω). It regards the anthropological turn, stemming from the same disclosure of the historical figure of the Nazarene, the turn that leads to the manifestation of God’s truth.


Narrative criticism, search, Christology, truth, veridiction

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Crimella, M. (2017). Veridizione e Verità nel Racconto di Luca. The Biblical Annals, 7(2), 235–250. Retrieved from

Matteo Crimella
Facoltà Teologica dell'Italia Settentrionale (Milano - Italia)


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