About the Journal

"Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL" is an international multidisciplinary quarterly. Its successive monographic volumes address philosophical problems significant to contmeporary culture and discuss them in the light of the humanities. The leading field of study is philosophy, in particular philosophical anthropology and ethics. All the research papers are peer-reviewed according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland (double blind peer review) and receive DOIs. Ethos publishes also Polish translations of articles and book excerpts relevant to the leading themes of the particular volumes.

The journal is designed as a forum for academic reflection on the intellectual challenges of modernity in the perspective of personalism inspired by the philosophical work of Karol Wojtyła, which he later developed in his teaching as Pope John Paul II. The inspiration for the present formula of the journal also came from Pope John Paul II, who organized summer seminars in Castel Gandolfo, bringing together scholars with various world outlooks and representing diverse philosophical standpoints. Together, they discussed questions of philosophy, politics, science and literature. The ambition of Ethos has been to continue John Paul II’s original vision of an ongoing, high-level, intellectual dialogue between academics.

According to the Act of 26 January 1984 - Prawo prasowe (Press Law), the journal was registered by the District Court in Lublin in the register of newspapers and journals under item 39.