On Fundamental Differences between Time and Space


Department of the Philosophy of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, ul. Grodzka 52, room 42, 31-044 Cracow, Poland , Poland


The paper critically analyses the claim that time is a similar entity to space resulting from the claims that there is no flow of time, a distinguished present does not exist, and things persist by enduring. Namely, it is maintained in the paper that arguments of adherents of such positions, both philosophical and based on the theory of relativity, are not strong enough to overcome either the arguments of their opponents or the conviction based on our everyday experience. The paper also tries to show that dynamic scientific theories, such as for instance the Newtonian theory, the Maxwell theory or the theory of evolution, may be interpreted as theories describing the dynamic becoming of a respective part of the world.


presentism, eternalism, spatialising time, flow of time, endurantism, perdurantism, becoming


GOŁOSZ, J. (2020). O zasadniczej odmienności czasu i przestrzeni. Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL, 26(4 (104). https://doi.org/10.12887/26-2013-4-104-04

Department of the Philosophy of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, ul. Grodzka 52, room 42, 31-044 Cracow, Poland