John Paul II and the Council

Card. Joseph RATZINGER


In his article published on the 30th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, Card. Joseph Ratzinger says that the main hopes and expectations about the Council were that it would introduce a new harmony among the faithful, as well as among the Church and the world. Cardinal Ratzinger sketches the cultural context in which the Council was summoned, pointing, in particular, to the transformations which started in the age of Enlightenment and resulted in the destruction of the unity of faith and culture. He then describes the ways in which the Church, throughout history, defended the space of faith from the universalistic aspirations of the enlightened reason. In the second part of the article, Card. Joseph Ratzinger shows, why and how the spirit of the Second Vatican Council permeated the pastoral activity of Karol Wojtyła (Pope John Paul II).


Summarized by Dorota Chabrajska


Second Vatican Council, Enlightenment, relations between faith and culture, Karol Wojtyła, John Paul II


RATZINGER, C. J. (2020). Jan Paweł II i Sobór. Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL, 25(4 (100). Retrieved from

Card. Joseph RATZINGER