“The faith I love best is hope”: Perspectives of Hope from Charles Péguy


Chavagnes International College, 96 rue du Calvaire, 85250 Chavagnes en Paillers, France , France


Following calls from recent popes to a rediscovery of the theological virtue of hope, this paper examines a poem dealing specifically with that subject, by Charles Péguy, a French poet who died in 1914 in the early fighting of the First World War. He is a key figure of what has been called the French Catholic revival. His dramatic monologue takes the form of a catechism lesson addressed to the young St. Joan of Arc, in which Hope is portrayed as a little girl. Rooted in a rediscovery of the “real” and under the influence of the philosopher Bergson,  Péguy’s message seems to be that a childlike Hope could be the key to a renewal of Faith and Love, and perhaps to a re-energizing of the Christian message. Péguy wrote his poem at a time when France was deeply traumatized by the Franco-Prussian war, the Dreyfus scandal and the anti-clerical purge of the early 20th century. It was a society that had lost is bearings. Many themes of his day are strangely current in our own.


Charles Péguy, Bergson, Mysteries, medievalism, suffering, hope, Joan of Arc, Charles Péguy, French Catholic revival



McDERMOTT, F. (2020). “Wiara, którą kocham najbardziej, to nadzieja”. O perspektywie nadziei w ujęciu Charlesa Péguy’ego. Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL, 32(4 (128). https://doi.org/10.12887/32-2019-4-128-10

Chavagnes International College, 96 rue du Calvaire, 85250 Chavagnes en Paillers, France