Nauczanie społeczne Kościoła. Powrót do źródeł w do− bie ekonomii globalnej (tłum. D. Chabrajska) 3

Samuel GREGG

161 Ottawa Ave. NW, Suite 301, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503, USA , Stany Zjednoczone


Instytut Jana Pawła II, Wydział Filozofii Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin , Polska


Despite the 2008 financial crisis and the ensuing world recession, the integration of the world’s economies is unlikely to falter significantly, especially as barriers to trade and exchange continued to diminish across the globe. This paper suggests that through a more thorough integration of the ressourcement method of renewing the Catholic Church through returning to the sources of Christian inspiration – most notably Sacred Scripture, Tradition, and the Church Fathers – Catholic social teaching can develop in ways that underline core Christian themes that are very relevant to economic globalization. With particular reference to the first three encyclical letters of Benedict XVI – Deus Caritas Est (2005), Spe Salvi (2007), and Caritas in Veritate (2009) – the paper illustrates how through deeper reflection upon themes such as love and hope, Catholic social teaching is able to renew Catholic thinking about human flourishing and integral human development in a global economy, especially when it comes to themes such as justice and utopia.

Słowa kluczowe:

basic moral goods, Benedict XVI, Catholic social teaching, econo− my, eschatology, globalization, hope, human flourishing, integral human devel− opment, justice, liberty, love, ressourcement, truth, utopia, economy, basic moral goods, Benedict XVI, Catholic social teaching, economy, eschatology, globalization, hope, human flourishing, integral human development, justice, liberty, love, ressourcement, truth, utopia



GREGG, S., & CHABRAJSKA, D. (2020). Nauczanie społeczne Kościoła. Powrót do źródeł w do− bie ekonomii globalnej (tłum. D. Chabrajska) 3. Ethos. Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL, 24(4 (96). Pobrano z

Samuel GREGG 
161 Ottawa Ave. NW, Suite 301, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503, USA
Instytut Jana Pawła II, Wydział Filozofii Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin