About the Journal

The journal was published in 2021-2022.

The aim of the journal is to publish the results of original scientific research conducted in the discipline of management. This research should be based on a comprehensive review of the literature on the problem under consideration. The condition for publication is to demonstrate one's own contribution to the development of science as well as to show the practical implications of the results obtained.  We publish papers presenting the results of own research as well as review papers ending with a summary and drawing conclusions from the review. We treat management as a discipline with a global dimension, which is why reviews must take into account the literature in a global outlook.

We also publish interdisciplinary works using the achievements of other scientific fields to solve management problems: philosophy, economics, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, computer science, journalism and social communication, ... We also ask eminent scientists to present the results of their current research in our journal. The journal is focused on high quality publications, which is why it is published only once a year in a fairly limited volume.

The thematic scope of the journal is a broadly understood discipline of management, in particular: - business strategy and policy, - organizational behavior, - human resources management, - entrepreneurship and innovation, - organizational theory, - international business, - business ethics, - marketing, - operations management, - corporate social responsibility, - financial management, - decision optimization, - management of non-profit organizations, - management in  state and local government administration, - management of a group of enterprises, - quality management.

The volume of submitted texts should not exceed 1.5 publishing sheets.