Quêtes littéraires guarantees a rigorous review process according to the following principles:

  1. Each article is reviewed by two independent reviewers not affiliated to the place of work of the author of the article.
  2. At least one reviewer’s affiliation should be in a different country than the country of the author of the article.
  3. Author/s of articles and reviewers do not know each other’s identity (double-blind review process). Reviewers’ ethical obligations are explained in section Code of Ethics: Duties of Reviewers.
  4. Review is in the written form and contains a clear judgment on whether the article is to be published or rejected (Review form.pdf). The double peer-review process takes at least 2 months.
  5. In case of contradictory opinions, the editor may decide to refer a paper to a third reviewer. The decision of the third reviewer is final.
  6. The editor presents the author with reviews without disclosing the reviewers’ identity. The author of the paper is obliged to respond to reviewers’ suggestions before publishing a paper.
  7. The identity of the reviewers of particular articles is not revealed, the list of collaborating reviewers is published on the journal’s website (Reviewers).