About the Journal

The journal Studies and Analysis of Political Science is a biannual journal published by the Institute of Political Science and Public Administration of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. It has been published since 2020.



The aim of the journal is to exchange views and present research results on key political, military, social, environmental, and economic issues at the global, regional and local levels.

The editorial board creates a forum for initiating and engaging in discussions on current challenges and threats related to dynamic changes taking place in the modern world. It encourages diagnosing and pointing in the direction of possible changes related to the functioning of states in a constantly changing reality.

The journal presents the state of research in various disciplines covering the issues raised in it.

The range of published texts covers issues in the broad sciences of politics and administration, contemporary international relations, external and internal security, recent history and political communication.

Thanks to a robust review procedure, the journal Studies and Analysis of Political Science publishes texts that reflect the latest state of research and contributes to discussions on the topics presented. The editors invite both academics and analysts and experts dealing with the above issues to publish in the pages of our journal and to read the texts.  The editors guarantee wide access to the publications, especially through open access and by indexing the articles in recognised academic full-text databases.

The journal is published exclusively in electronic form.