The dominant role of Egypt in the process of shaping Arab nationalism in the nineteenh century and the first half of twentieth century

Artur Wiśniewski

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach , Poland


Seemingly contradictory, mutually exclusive ideas of Arab nationalism and pan-Arabism occurred simultaneously during the twenty years of the war and consti­tuted a double resistance to the growing domination of Western countries in the world (Płanowski 2006: 252). Once during the world conflict conference in Yalta, Tehran and in Potsdam, the ground for a new order in relations between the United States, Western European countries and the USSR was being prepared, in the Arab leadership the concept of a common organization, a common pan-Arab organization, pursuing their particular economic and political interests was developing. A model of cooperation called the League of Arab States was developed through the place of multilateral talks, from the first days of the existence of this organization of specific work in the Arab Republic of Egypt. In carry­ing out a systemic and historical analysis, unexpected attention was drawn to the action taken by Egypt that contributed to the birth of Arab nationalism attempt was also made to answer the questions why Egypt – known as the land of the pharaohs – played such a significant role in promoting the idea of pan-Arabism in the second half of the 20th cen­tury, as it used measures to release relative political and economic independence during the colonial period, as well as Relevant materials for the formation of the League of Arab States and what place it took in it.


Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, League of Arab States, nationalism

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Artur Wiśniewski
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


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