Muslim regional powers and the Chechen-Russian conflict

Sylwia Gorlicka

Uniwersytet Warszawski , Poland


The article aims to present the international conditions of the Russian-Chechen wars, with particular emphasis on selected Muslim regional powers (Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia). The problem was considered not only as an internal conflict of the Russian Federation with the autonomous Republic of Chechnya, which is a part of it but one that was interfered by external entities, showing the scope and types of influence that they used during the events, as well as the goals they tried to achieve. The author approached the topic differently than it is done in most of the Polish and foreign publications. The author adopted realism in the defensive realism trend as the theoretical perspective in the study of international relations and applied an adequate methodological approach for it. The key method used in the article was the analysis of printed and electronic sources in text form. Also, a comparative method with a historical perspective was used to describe the multiplicity and differentiation of the reasons for the participation of selected political entities in the Russian-Chechen conflict.



Russia, Chechnya,, Chechen-Russian Conflict, Al-Kaida, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Islam

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Sylwia Gorlicka
Uniwersytet Warszawski


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