Donald Trump’s presidency and twenty-fifth amendment

Sylwia Katarzyna Mazur

Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie , Poland


Given the strong position of the President in the American political system, the issue of continuity of power is crucial for stability and safety not only of The United States but also of the global order. Among provisions regulating the president’s succes­sion, there is the twenty-fifth amendment, in which sections three and fourth regulate the situation in which the president is unable to fulfill his duties. Although section four has never been used, voices supporting the launching of the procedure did accompany Donald Trump’s presidency from the beginning. The author puts forth a thesis that the 25th amendment was not designed as an instrument for the president’s removal and can­not be perceived as an alternative for impeachment procedure. The article presents cir­cumstances surrounding the amendment’s introduction, analyzes its content with special attention given to section four and presents arguments for and against using the amend­ment to remove Donald Trump. Presented research combines theoretical considerations (analysis of the US Constitution and provisions regulating the issue of presidential suc­cession) with a case study (Donald Trump’s presidency).


USA, constitution, Twenty-fifth Amendment, president, succession

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Mazur, S. K. (2022). Prezydentura Donalda Trumpa i 25. poprawka do Konstytucji Stanów Zjednoczonych. Studia I Analizy Nauk O Polityce, (1), 77–90; 91.

Sylwia Katarzyna Mazur
Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania z siedzibą w Rzeszowie


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