The importance of technological innovations for the security of state entities in the time of global threats to sanitary safety – selected aspects
Anna Makuch
University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw , Poland
Research goal of the article has been set to verify the hypothesis according to which technological innovations contribute to systemic safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. The analyzed area contains key statements of available data regarding innovation impulses in the first pandemic period (2020 – spring/autumn). In the light of this data new trend has been confirmed to be using advanced technologies based on digital records in promoted solutions. Innovation in pandemic days meets conditions, not by classic definitions of the term “innovation” but rather “ultra-fast-innovation” which creatively uses digitalized tools. Technological innovations fulfill their role of aiding the safety process under the conditions which assume that network-based storage and data transfer systems are reliable and resistant against systemic crisis, which is a potential systemic threat.
Security, state system, security systems, innovation, pandemic, health security, new technologiesReferences
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University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw

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