Assistance to Refugees from Ukraine in Ensuring a Dignified Stay and Security in Poland by Local Government Units in Legal Regulations

Izabela Rycerska

Wyższa Szkoła Administracji Publicznej w Kielcach , Poland


The article concerns legal regulations establishing the rules for providing assistance to refugees from Ukraine who have entered Poland in connection with Russia’s attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The most important provisions of the Act of March 12, 2022 on assistance to Ukrainian citizens in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of this country are discussed in the context of assistance provided to Ukrainian refugees by local government units. Changes in local government constitutional acts, basic rights of refugees, including the rules for obtaining a PESEL number, legal procedures for assistance activities undertaken by local government units also in relations with the voivode, and rules for providing financial support to entities helping refugees from Ukraine are shown. In addition, the Assistance Fund and the rules for using it, other social benefits such as a one-off cash benefit in the amount of PLN 300 per person are discussed. Attention was paid to psychological and educational assistance and to changes in the principles of financial management by local government units. In the end, the author draws attention to what tasks the Polish State must perform together with local government units and non-governmental organisations in order to take advantage of the presence of refugees from Ukraine and properly use their potential.


Assistance, Ukrainians, local governments, law

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Rycerska, I. (2022). Pomoc uchodźcom z Ukrainy w zapewnieniu godnego pobytu i bezpieczeństwa w Polsce przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego w regulacjach prawnych. Studia I Analizy Nauk O Polityce, (2), 63–84; 85.

Izabela Rycerska
Wyższa Szkoła Administracji Publicznej w Kielcach


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