Values and National Security of Poland. Observations Made when Reading Cezary Smuniewski’s Book Entitled National Security of Poland in the Axiological Perspective. President Lech Wałęsa

Błażej Bado

University of Warsaw , Poland


The article deals with Cezary Smuniewski’s scientific queries contained in the book National Security of Poland in the Axiological Perspective. President Lech Wałęsa. First, the article describes the contexts of research taken up by C. Smuniewski. Second, it presents and analyses the assumptions and organisation of the book. Third, it outlines further directions of research mapped out by the monograph. The study fits into the area of research in security studies and political science.


National security of Poland, axiology of security, Cezary Smuniewski, values, Lech Wałęsa

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Bado, B. (2022). Values and National Security of Poland. Observations Made when Reading Cezary Smuniewski’s Book Entitled National Security of Poland in the Axiological Perspective. President Lech Wałęsa. Studia I Analizy Nauk O Polityce, (2), 201–219.

Błażej Bado
University of Warsaw


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