The 2021 Migration Crisis in the Eyes of the Polish Priests from the Polish-Belarusian Borderland

Beata Łaciak

War Studies Academy , Poland

Cezary Smuniewski

University of Warsaw , Poland

Mariusz Boguszewski

Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw , Poland


This publication is a result of interviews carried out at the end of November-beginning of December 2021 in the areas along the border between Poland and Belarus with Roman Catholic priests providing pastoral ministry in that area. The aim of the interviews was to gain insight into the social moods and attitudes of the clergy with respect to the migration crisis in the year 2021. It may be guessed that the priests from the borderland parishes are more prone to thinking about the community in national rather than evangelical categories, which most probably is an outcome of the historical experiences of Poland with Russia and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the loss of independence and subordination to the communist authorities in Moscow.


Migrations, Polish-Belarusian border, priests, refugees, Catholic Church

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Łaciak, B. ., Smuniewski, C., & Boguszewski, M. . (2022). The 2021 Migration Crisis in the Eyes of the Polish Priests from the Polish-Belarusian Borderland. Studia I Analizy Nauk O Polityce, (2), 43–61.

Beata Łaciak 
War Studies Academy
Cezary Smuniewski 
University of Warsaw
Mariusz Boguszewski
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw


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