Polish Organizations in Ireland. A Stimulus for Research on the National Security of the Republic of Poland

Jarosław Płachecki

The Old Polish University in Kielce , Poland

Cezary Smuniewski

University of Warsaw , Poland

Karolina Kochańczyk-Bonińska

University of Warsaw , Poland


The activities for Poland’s national security, including its independence and sovereignty, observed over the last centuries, justify reflection on the relevance of the undertakings of the Polish diaspora communities. Polish organizations operating in many countries, thanks to the cultivation of national identity, were able to contribute to Poland regaining its independence in 1918, support the fight against the Germans and Russians during World War II, and then act for liberation from communism. Therefore, the interest of the state assumes care for the Polish community abroad, both its connection with the country and strengthening its sense of responsibility for the homeland. The article presents the characteristics of Polish organizations in Ireland, where Polish emigration has rapidly increased in recent decades. It is stated that the Polish diaspora communities need systemic support from the Polish state through actions to ensure the integrity of the national identity of the Polish diaspora. In the Polish organisations, it is necessary to recognise the strength to promote Polishness, the concern for Poland’s national interest, but also the diverse potential for dealing with threats to Poland.


Polish organisations in Ireland, emigration, national identity, national security

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Płachecki, J., Smuniewski, C., & Kochańczyk-Bonińska, K. . (2023). Polish Organizations in Ireland. A Stimulus for Research on the National Security of the Republic of Poland. Studia I Analizy Nauk O Polityce, (1), 121–142. https://doi.org/10.31743/sanp.14754

Jarosław Płachecki 
The Old Polish University in Kielce https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3566-9068
Cezary Smuniewski  c.smuniewski@uw.edu.pl
University of Warsaw https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8973-3539
Karolina Kochańczyk-Bonińska 
University of Warsaw https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4510-6111


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