Armoured Information as a Promising Concept to Reduce Disinformation – a New Element of Armoured Democracy?

Martinas Malużinas

Koszalin University of Technology , Poland


The aim of this article is to present the concept of armoured information, the primary task of which is to protect transmitted data (information). The article attempts to show the close relationship between the concept of armoured information and the category of armoured democracy or the recently developed category of armoured constitution. The common feature of the distinguished concepts is the aim to preserve the political order, especially its structural elements, which are democracy and its procedures. This is done by protecting reliable information showing a comprehensive, objective picture of the reality described, which in turn translates into a better quality of democracy and its protection in the respective country.


information, armoured information, armoured democracy, democracy, authoritarianism

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Malużinas, M. (2023). Informacja opancerzona jako obiecująca koncepcja ograniczająca dezinformację – nowy element demokracji opancerzonej?. Studia I Analizy Nauk O Polityce, (2), 127–148;149.

Martinas Malużinas
Koszalin University of Technology


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