The Transnational Advocacy Market – Pragmatic Altruism of Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs)

Anna Moraczewska

Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin , Poland


The subject of this article is non-governmental organisations (NGOs), their specificities and strategies of action. It adopts the approach represented by transnationalists in international relations, who focus on processes that take place across state borders between state and non-state actors. Among these actors are NGOs, representing a very diverse group in terms of their objectives, structure and operating techniques. A market-based approach to the activities of NGOs is also demonstrated, pointing to their pragmatic altruism stemming from the need to raise funds to realise their philanthropic goals and ideas. Additionally, the article analyses the concept of a transnational advocacy market within which NGOs operate between supply and demand mechanisms.


NGOs, transnational advocacy market, NGO funding, action tactics

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Anna Moraczewska 
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin


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