The Importance of Changes in the Field of Socio-Economic Cooperation in Polish-American Relations in the Era of Donald Trump’s Presidency

Rafał Dąbek

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


What did Polish-American cooperation in the socio-economic area look like during Donald Trump’s presidency, and what was its significance? This article describes and analyzes the actions and decisions taken by a politician who favored the development and security of Poland and the Eastern European region, who, during his presidency in 2017–2021, concluded numerous agreements with Poland, deepened trade exchange, and abolished the visa requirement for Polish citizens, opening their country to a freer influx of Poles who have a definitely positive attitude towards the United States and its interests in the world. Based on the data from the XXI century regarding certain areas of trade between Poland and the United States, there was an increase in trade and the deepening of economic ties between both entities. The President of the United States responsible for these changes was Donald Trump. Comparing the decisions made by his office and the decisions of his predecessors, there can be seen intense activity to strengthen Polish-American relations and implement long-awaited visions of the past. Unfortunately for the then president, the abolishment of visas for Poles was not enough to sway the Polish diaspora in the United States to vote for Donald Trump and secure his victory in the 2020 elections.


The United States, Poland, Donald Trump, Andrzej Duda, socio-economic relations

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Dąbek, R. (2024). The Importance of Changes in the Field of Socio-Economic Cooperation in Polish-American Relations in the Era of Donald Trump’s Presidency. Studia I Analizy Nauk O Polityce, (1), 53–72.

Rafał Dąbek
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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