Eastern Partnership vis-à-vis challenges and doubts

Anatoliy Kruglashov

Chernivtsi Jury Fedkovych National University , Ukraine


Eastern Partnership initiative and program sparkled ongoing and intensive debates. It raised some concerns and doubts regarding the efficacy and effectiveness of EaP. Still, the only country, which perceived this initiative of the EU as a direct threat was and is Russia. War against Georgia, later annexation of Crimea and War on Donbas, a hybrid war against Ukraine and many western countries are key challenges for the EU also. European Union and NATO are in a search for more consolidated respond towards new reality up today.

EaP design and potential are too weak to be good enough for partners’ countries themselves. Despite many deficiencies, this policy is important to encourage horizontal cooperation of 6 partners’ countries and make their ties with the EU stronger and more productive. However, the overall goals and instruments of EaP do require thorough reconsideration and new incentives to move forward from a current, somehow hesitant and stagnated, position.



Eastern Partnership, challenges of security, Russia’s Retro-imperialism

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Kruglashov, A. (2020). Eastern Partnership vis-à-vis challenges and doubts. Studia I Analizy Nauk O Polityce, (1), 65–78. https://doi.org/10.31743/sanp.9842

Anatoliy Kruglashov 
Chernivtsi Jury Fedkovych National University


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