The legal nature of the decision on the equivalent for the lack of accommodation for a firefighter of the State Fire Service

Dariusz Piotr Kała

Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie , Poland


The article concerns the legal nature of the decision on the cash equivalent for the lack of premises for firefighters of the State Fire Service. This article fills the gap in the science of law so far, it is the first and only scientific study on this subject. The article discusses the current legal regulation of this benefit, as well as its regulation in history in the divergent jurisprudence of courts in this matter. All issues were related to equivalent legal regulations in other uniformed services, as well as the jurisprudence lines existing within these regulations. The article ends with the author’s conclusions and a mixed thesis of the decision on the cash equivalent for the lack of premises for firefighters of the State Fire Service.


fire service, fire protection, cash equivalent for the lack of premises, public finances, housing services in the fire brigade, uniformed services

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Dariusz Piotr Kała
Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie


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