Appeal proceedings in criminal cases on the basis of the amendment of 19 July 2019 – selected issues

Bartosz Łukowiak

Uniwersytet Wrocławski , Poland


On 19 July 2019, an amendment to the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure was passed, which significantly changed the current form of appeal proceedings in criminal cases. The aim of this work is to analyse some of the changes introduced by this amendment. The detailed considerations relate to changes of the objections that can be raised in the content of the appeal measure, the issue of appealing against a statement of reasons, as well as changes in the grounds for dismissal of an evidentiary motion and the reduction of part of the ne peius rules.


appeal proceedings, grounds for an appeal, interlocutory appeal against a statement of reasons, ne peius rules, criminal proceedings

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Bartosz Łukowiak
Uniwersytet Wrocławski


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