Clericus quidam crimine carnis. Legal and Iconographic Intricacies in Causa 15 of Gratian's Decretum


The article analyses a problem of the iconography in Causa XV in the Gratian’s Decretum. The problem posed by the Bolognese Camaldolese monk firstly concerns the accusation by the woman with whom the priest sinned and secondly the use of torture in the canonical process. In both cases, the author of the Decretum resolves the problem also citing Roman law, among others, by citing Digest or the Diocletian’s Code. Miniatures illustrating this Causa, and thus the same text, are different in their iconography depending on the time and place where the specific copy of the manuscript was made. This is mainly due to different, local traditions (e.g. in the medieval Italian countries).


Gratian’s Decretum, Causa XV, illuminations, legal iconography

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Adamczuk, A. (2019). Clericus quidam crimine carnis. Legal and Iconographic Intricacies in Causa 15 of Gratian’s Decretum. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 7–19.


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