Age of a Victim as Crime’s Feature in Roman Law

Wojciech J. Kosior

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski , Poland


The conducted research revealed that the matter of age in the sources of Roman law appeared several times in a combination with the victim and was the feature of some delicts and crimes. The article demonstrates that in Roman law, in cases of unlawful acts, not only was the perpetrator’s age important, but also sometimes the age of the victim depended on the perpetrator’s liability. In modern law, we can also find the provisions in which the perpetrator’s liability depends on the age of the victim. For example, Article 200 § 1 of the Polish Penal Code can be listed here. The aim of the presented article is to describe unlawful acts (mostly crimes) occurring in Roman law, in which the perpetrator’s liability depended on the age of the victim. So far, the above-mentioned thematic hasn’t been described in the literature of the subject, because when the matter of age in this context was analyzed, the most attention was focused on the age of the perpetrator and his ability to bear liability. The result of the research was to discover and elaborate Roman law sources where in fact the perpetrator’s liability depended on the age of the victim. Selected examples are presented in the text.


delictual and criminal responsibility, Roman law, age

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Kosior, W. J. (2019). Age of a Victim as Crime’s Feature in Roman Law. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 91–109.

Wojciech J. Kosior 
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


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