Non enim crimen dicitur, quod mortis adegit impulsus – notes on the CTh. 15.14.14.

Izabela Leraczyk

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The article analyses the constitution issued by Emperor Honorius in the year 416, concerning the perpetrators of offences qualified as crimen as the exemption from criminal liability, in a situation when such actions were undertaken during the barbaric invasions, escape from such invasions or the rule of the usurpers. The act governs that an action perpetrated for fear of one’s life cannot be seen as crime. The article analyses specific terms used in the above-mentioned legal act, especially in the context of the contemporary legal terminology of the epoch. Moreover, it presents the historical backdrop behind the issuing of the constitution, together with other regulations regarding collaboration with the enemy, both volitional and under coercion.


decriminalisation, exemption of criminal liability, enemy, barbarians, Roman law

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Leraczyk, I. (2019). Non enim crimen dicitur, quod mortis adegit impulsus – notes on the CTh. 15.14.14. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 111–129.

Izabela Leraczyk 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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