Research on the Impact of Christianity on Roman Law in the Interwar Poland: Franciszek Bossowski’s Views

Grzegorz Nancka

Uniwersytet Śląski , Poland


The article is intended to present the views of Franciszek Bossowski on the impact of Christianity on Roman law and thus draws attention to the existing output of the Polish science of Roman law in this area. This Vilnius-based Roman law scholar was one of the few researchers in Poland who studied this issue in the interwar Poland. For this reason, the article encompasses an analysis of those of his works in which he touches upon the issue of the impact of Christianity on Roman law. Attention is drawn to the key theses formulated therein as well as his polemics with other scholars. Last but not least, the research postulates formulated by Bossowski are discussed.


Franciszek Bossowski, Roman law, Christianity

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Nancka, G. (2019). Research on the Impact of Christianity on Roman Law in the Interwar Poland: Franciszek Bossowski’s Views. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 143–156.

Grzegorz Nancka 
Uniwersytet Śląski


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