Administering the Sacrament of Baptism to Persons under 14 Years of Age in the Particular Law of the Archdiocese of Lublin

Ks. Adam Jaszcz

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


Baptism for those who are under the age of 14 in the Archdiocese of Lublin is governed by the statutes of the Second Synod of the Lublin Diocese and the Instructions on Baptism in the Archdiocese of Lublin of 28 April 2017, with appropriate attachments (the chancellery forms). The basis for baptism for persons under the age of 14 is a request or consent expressed by at least one of the parents or legal guardians. In the case of children of catechetical age (7-14 years), the candidate’s expressed desire to receive the sacrament is also required. It is the responsibility of parents and the whole Church to give religious upbringing to children who have been baptized so that they may personally confess their faith in due time.


minor, diocesan synod, instructions, religious upbringing

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Ks. Adam Jaszcz 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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