Accreditation of the Educational Services Market. Current Legal Solutions on the Example of Lifelong Learning Institutions

Magdalena Pyter

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


Accreditation, which guarantees quality, embodies a response to the global development in many areas of the social life. Education is an analogous field. Therefore, the educational institutions awarded a certificate constitute a reliable place for acquiring new competences. The article attempts to present accreditation issues on the ground of the applicable law. Through analysis of the legal norms, the application of accreditation and the process of obtaining it, is presented in the paper. This leads to the conclusion that in the context of the value of accreditation, it should have the obligatory aspect rather than - as it is under currently binding law - only optional character.


Continuing education institutions, quality of education, accreditation, educational law

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Magdalena Pyter 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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