Binding orders and acts of management in the epidemic era. An opportunity or a threat?

Mariusz Szyrski

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie , Poland


The aim of the article is to return to the concept of acts of management and to compare them with the epidemic situation, in particular with the forms of public administration activities. The main emphasis will be on a management act called “binding order”, a form that appears in the new regulations related to counter­ing the effects of the coronavirus. Therefore, it will be important to show the legal basis for issuing management acts, which have also recently had a serious and deep impact on the external sphere of public administration. The main research question that will be discussed is what are the current objective and subjective boundaries of management acts (binding orders) - both in terms of making and applying legal regulations. The basic back­ground for considerations will be the legal regulation resulting from the Act of March 2, 2020, on special solu­tions related to the prevention, prevention and combating of COVID-19, other infectious diseases, and the crisis situations caused by them.



Management, COVID-19, Coronavirus, law sources

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Mariusz Szyrski
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie


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