Updating Annual Fees regarding Perpetual Usufruct in the light of the Regulation from 20th July 2018 on Transformation the Right of Perpetual Usufruct of built-up area for residential purposes into Ownership Title of such area

Marek Stawecki

Uniwersytet Szczeciński , Poland


The Regulation from 20th July 2018 on Transformation the Right of Perpetual Usufruct of built-up area for residential purposes into Ownership Title came into force on 5th October 2018 (Journal of Law 2020 it.139 with further amendments). The consequence of this regulation is the necessity to pay so-called ‘transfer­ring fees’. Their amount is equal to the total amount of annual fees that resulted from perpetual usufruct which would be binding on the transferring day. The latter ones are subject to so-called updating. In 2019 the amend­ment to the above-mentioned regulation was made which is deemed unfair. It is because this amendment overlapped with updating proceedings that were taking place in the local authority units. In this period further updating proceedings had been already opened or about to be opened, the result of which is raising the to­tal amount of annual fees resulted from perpetual usufruct of build-up areas for residential purposes, and as a consequence in raising the ‘transferring fees’. The purpose of this article is to prove that the above-mentioned regulation leads to unjustified lowering in fees or unjustified ceasing the updating proceedings towards all the perpetual co-usufructuaries of a given property, which constitutes an excessive and unjustified interference of a legislator into financial autonomy of local authority units. It also acts to the detriment of a constitutionally guaranteed protection of ‘business in progress’. Besides, the very wording of this regulation in the amendment rises doubts in interpretation – it is hard to deduce which proceedings it precisely applies to. This problem is the consequence of a highly complex character of the transformation matter with regards to its legal effects, the ambiguity of regulations, and above all, to the fact that legislators do not seem to notice relevant issues connected to the above matter. In this article, I analyse and evaluate the latest legislative changes leading to transforming the right to perpetual usufruct into an ownership title. The research method applied for the pur­pose of this article is the analysis of current laws and regulations as well as selected judicial decisions.



updating, perpetual usufruct, transformation, annual perpetual usufruct fee, enfranchisement

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Stawecki, M. (2021). Aktualizacja opłat rocznych z tytułu użytkowania wieczystego w świetle ustawy z dnia 20 lipca 2018 r. o przekształceniu prawa użytkowania wieczystego gruntów zabudowanych na cele mieszkaniowe w prawo własności tych gruntów. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 199–215. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.11276

Marek Stawecki  marekstawecki@op.pl
Uniwersytet Szczeciński https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3598-7787


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