Remarks on the Polish out-of-court compensation system of medical injuries in the context of the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act

Michał Białkowski

Uniwersytet Szczeciński , Poland


Seeking redress by the patient due to damage sustained by him in the course of treatment encounters numerous difficulties. They range from those related with proving prerequisites of civil liability to costs and duration of the process. As a consequence, many legal systems around the world have attempted to design out-of-court compensation systems based on the first-party insurance of the patient or on a fund whose purpose is to compensate the damage suffered by the patient during treatment. The aim of this article is to compare the longest functioning no-fault system, which in New Zealand in its present form provides redress to patients from 1 January 2002, and the Polish system that has been operating since 1 January  2012. The analysis focuses on three aspects, i.e., the need to demonstrate a violation of the principles of medical knowledge as a premise of liability, the scope of the definition of a medical event and treatment injury, and to establish the group of people authorized in both analyzed systems to claim compensation. Against this background, detailed de lege ferenda postulates have been formulated regarding the amendment of the provisions of the Act on Patient Rights and the Patient’s Rights Ombudsman regarding, in particular, the departure from the need to demonstrate an objective violation of the principles of medical knowledge as a premise for liability, departing from the differentiation of damages incurred in hospitals and outside them, as well as extending the scope of the definition of a medical event to include damages caused in connection with the violation of patient’s rights and broadly understood preventive treatment. The article also proposes resignation from establishing the group of entities indirectly injured through the prism of having the status of heirs in favor of the known from the provisions of art. 446 § 3 and 4 of the Civil Code based on linking the right to claim compensation in the event of the patient’s death with the actual emotional bond between the deceased and the applicant.


medical event in Poland, treatment injury in New Zealand, no-fault system, alternative dispute resolution, compensation, personal injury, medical malpractice, indirectly injured entities

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Białkowski, M. (2021). Uwagi do polskiego systemu pozasądowej kompensacji szkód medycznych na tle nowozelandzkiego Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 7–28.

Michał Białkowski
Uniwersytet Szczeciński


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