Persistent failure to fulfil family responsibilities towards the testator as the basis for disinheritance


Disinheritance, regulated in art.1008 – 10011 of the Polish Civil Code serves as the deprivation of the right to legitimate portion, of the persons entitled to it, i.e. the testator’s spouse, his or her descendants or parents who would have been appointed by law to inherit. It can only be done in the testament, and only for reasons indicated in art.1008 p.1-3 of the Polish Civil Code. This is a closed catalogue of causes for disinheritance, and one of them is persistent failure to fulfil family obligations towards the testator (p.3). For example, in the decision of 23 March 2018, I CSK 424/17, the Supreme Court recognized that children who do not fulfil family responsibilities – they do not support their father in need, can be disinherited, even if the testator contributed to the family conflict. In the article, the issue of the cause for disinheritance is discussed with reference to selected case law indicated in art.1008 p. 3 of the Polish Civil Code.


disinheritance, testament, family protection, legitimate portion, entitled to legitimate portion

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